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sana ghobbeh

Sana Ghobbeh is an Iranian-born artist and art researcher based in Brussels. The fusi­on of archi­tec­tu­ral rea­ding, inter­per­so­nal sto­ry­tel­ling and ima­gi­na­ry evo­ca­ti­on of a public spa­ce in the mind of the spec­ta­tor is what she aims to explo­re. The works are reflec­ti­ons upon the urban infra­struc­tu­res and their soci­o­po­li­ti­cal fea­tu­res. The semi-fic­ti­o­nal nar­ra­ti­ves, which are part­ly visu­a­li­zed by con­cur­rent­ly trans­for­ming instal­la­ti­ons, offer flash­backs to major soci­al events. Sana stu­died Architecture in Tehran and recei­ved a master’s degree in Fine Arts in Sweden. In 2016 she took part in the a.pass research environment in Brussels.

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